American Bittersweet, Sexed Plants
American bittersweet is a native woody and shrubby climber, growing over trees or fences. It has smooth thin leaves 2 to 4 inches long and about half as wide. The small greenish-white flowers are produced in June in short clusters. The fruit is a round, orange-yellow capsule which opens in autumn, disclosing the scarlet-colored seed pod. The seed capsules remain on the plant well into the cold season and provide food for birds in the winter. Fruits are eaten by songbirds, ruffed grouse, pheasants, bobwhite and squirrel. Old fruits are eaten as survival foods by many birds and animals in late winter. Fruits should NOT be eaten by humans. While not extremely toxic, they will “clean you out at both ends”. Bunches of twisted branchlets, loaded with fruit, are very decorative and the plant is disappearing in many places because of the ruthless methods of market pickers. Our stock is not from the wild!! We have selected ‘stock’ plants which grow on site here and have chosen the best over the years for the most desirable characteristics.
Way back in the dark and mysterious past, many shepherds hung bittersweet around the necks of those sheep which were suspected to be under the evil eye. I don’t think it is really necessary myself. Save this bit of lore for your next trivia game.
Often planted as an ornamental vine for the showy fruits. A good climber on trellises, arbors, porches. Fast growing. Decorative berries and twisted vines make interesting projects.
You will need both male and female plants to produce berries! 1 male can pollinate 4-5 female vines. MUST be planted within 30 feet of each other.
Light: Partial to full sun. Best fruit in full sun.

American Bittersweet, unsexed
American bittersweet is a native woody and shrubby climber, growing over trees or fences. It has smooth thin leaves 2 to 4 inches long and about half as wide. The small greenish-white flowers are produced in June in short clusters. The fruit is a round, orange-yellow capsule which opens in autumn, disclosing the scarlet-colored seed pod. The seed capsules remain on the plant well into the cold season and provide food for birds in the winter. Fruits are eaten by songbirds, ruffed grouse, pheasants, bobwhite and squirrel. Old fruits are eaten as survival foods by many birds and animals in late winter. Fruits should NOT be eaten by humans. While not extremely toxic, they will “clean you out at both ends”. Bunches of twisted branchlets, loaded with fruit, are very decorative and the plant is disappearing in many places because of the ruthless methods of market pickers. Our stock is not from the wild!! We have selected ‘stock’ plants which grow on site here and have chosen the best over the years for the most desirable characteristics.
Way back in the dark and mysterious past, many shepherds hung bittersweet around the necks of those sheep which were suspected to be under the evil eye. I don’t think it is really necessary myself. Save this bit of lore for your next trivia game.
Often planted as an ornamental vine for the showy fruits. A good climber on trellises, arbors, porches. Fast growing. Decorative berries and twisted vines make interesting projects.
You will need both male and female plants to produce berries! 1 male can pollinate 4-5 female vines. MUST be planted within 30 feet of each other.
Light: Partial to full sun. Best fruit in full sun.

American Bittersweet, unsexed Wholesale
American bittersweet is a native woody and shrubby climber, growing over trees or fences. It has smooth thin leaves 2 to 4 inches long and about half as wide. The small greenish-white flowers are produced in June in short clusters. The fruit is a round, orange-yellow capsule which opens in autumn, disclosing the scarlet-colored seed pod. The seed capsules remain on the plant well into the cold season and provide food for birds in the winter. Fruits are eaten by songbirds, ruffed grouse, pheasants, bobwhite and squirrel. Old fruits are eaten as survival foods by many birds and animals in late winter. Fruits should NOT be eaten by humans. While not extremely toxic, they will “clean you out at both ends”. Bunches of twisted branchlets, loaded with fruit, are very decorative and the plant is disappearing in many places because of the ruthless methods of market pickers. Our stock is not from the wild!! We have selected ‘stock’ plants which grow on site here and have chosen the best over the years for the most desirable characteristics.
Way back in the dark and mysterious past, many shepherds hung bittersweet around the necks of those sheep which were suspected to be under the evil eye. I don’t think it is really necessary myself. Save this bit of lore for your next trivia game.
Often planted as an ornamental vine for the showy fruits. A good climber on trellises, arbors, porches. Fast growing. Decorative berries and twisted vines make interesting projects.
You will need both male and female plants to produce berries! 1 male can pollinate 4-5 female vines. MUST be planted within 30 feet of each other.
Light: Partial to full sun. Best fruit in full sun.

Dogwood, Kousa
Rounded shape with horizontal branching growing to about 20 feet at maturity.
Large, pointed, white to pinkish bracts produced three weeks after our native flowering dogwood. Fruits medium, reddish pink, raspberry-like, very attractive to birds. Foliage scarlet in fall.

First Editions® Autumn Revolution™ Bittersweet
A revolutionary breakthrough in Bittersweet culture. Imagine never having to wonder if you’re growing a male or female plant again? The majority of the flowers formed on Autumn Revolution™ are perfect, meaning that the flower itself has both male and female parts. In other words, you only need one plant to bear fruit. Perhaps because of this unique characteristic the fruit production is absolutely extraordinary and the berry size is twice that of the species. Should most definitely be considered for commercial production. Truly an extraordinary improvement for this beloved native vine. This variety does NOT require separate male and female plants. Bears at a very young age, frequently the first year from a spring planting.
Culture is the same as standard American Bittersweet.

Redbud, American Eastern
American Redbud or Eastern Redbud and sometimes referred to as the Judas tree as it dates back to biblical times.
Very handsome, small tree with gracefully ascending branches, reaches 20 to 30 feet. Perfect reddish purple flowers open to a rosy-pink, March-April. Emerging heart-shaped reddish purple leaves turn green, then yellow-green in fall. Origin: New Jersey to Florida, west to Missouri and Texas and northern Mexico. Zones 4-10
Great as a single specimen, in a group, in a shrub border, and especially nice in woodland and naturalized type landscapes.
2 Gallon size trees are 3 yr. old . Fast growing up until about 12′, then growth slows somewhat. Excellent for use under canopy of large trees and should have afternoon shade in southern zones.

Sedum, ‘Boogie Woogie’ Rock ‘N Round™
A summer-flowering groundcover plant with beautiful green and cream variegation. It looks beautifully bright all season, and yellow flowers are an added bonus
Zones 3-9

Sedum, ‘Bundle of Joy’ Rock ‘N Grow®
Forms a low, rounded mound in spring, growing to just under 1′ tall by summer. Light green leaves become covered in a dome of pure white flowers followed by pretty seed heads.
Zones 3-9

Sedum, ‘Popstar’ Rock ‘N Round™
This low maintenance perennial will be the star of your late summer garden. Blue-green foliage forms a dense, compact, mounded habit. Salmon pink flowers.
Zones 3-9

Sedum, ‘Pride and Joy’ Rock ‘N Round™
Forms a low, rounded mound in spring, growing to just under 1′ tall by summer. Dark green leaves become covered in a dome of dark pink flowers followed by pretty seed heads.
Zones 3-9

Sedum, ‘Superstar’ Rock ‘N Grow®
This low maintenance perennial will be the star of your late summer garden. Dark turquoise foliage forms a dense, compact, mounded habit. Rosy pink flowers.
Zones 3-9

Sedum, ‘Yellow Brick Road’ Rock ‘N Low™
A beautiful groundcover for sunny, dry areas. Fine-textured yellow flowers cover dark green leaves and red stems with a beautiful habit. Blooms a little later than standard summer flowering Stonecrop to extend the season of your garden.
Zones 3-9

Sedum, “Voodoo”, Plug Flats
One of our top-selling Sedum groundcovers!
Tough perennial used in rock gardens, green roof programs, as a ground cover, in planters, and as a house plant.
Hardy Zones 3-11.
Excellent choice for hot, dry places. Not for foot traffic, though.
Plant in sun or partial shade. Around six inches in height, it was named for the intense dark reddish-mahogany leaves. The mounding foliage is present throughout the year. Darkest coloring occurs in cooler weather. Green-purple in semi-shade

Sedum, Autumn Fire
This very tough late summer through fall blooming perennial has become a worldwide favorite for both its beauty and ease of maintenance. The flowers begin showing a broccoli green color during summer. As the summer progresses, the flowers become pinker until they turn a beautiful russet tone by fall.

Sedum, Autumn Fire Plug Flat
This very tough late summer through fall blooming perennial has become a worldwide favorite for both its beauty and ease of maintenance. The flowers begin showing a broccoli green color during summer. As the summer progresses, the flowers become pinker until they turn a beautiful russet tone by fall. 50 count Plug Flat

Sedum, Autumn Joy
This very tough late summer through fall blooming perennial has become a worldwide favorite for both its beauty and ease of maintenance. The flowers begin showing a broccoli green color during summer. As the summer progresses, the flowers become pinker until they turn a beautiful russet tone by fall.

Sedum, Autumn Joy Plug Flat
This very tough late summer through fall blooming perennial has become a worldwide favorite for both its beauty and ease of maintenance. The flowers begin showing a broccoli green color during summer. As the summer progresses, the flowers become pinker until they turn a beautiful russet tone by fall. 50 Count Plug Flat

Sedum, Frosty Morn
This very tough late summer through fall blooming perennial has become a new favorite for both its beauty and ease of maintenance. The white margins on the green leaves resemble frost. Really an eye catcher and sure to raise conversation by those who see it!

Sedum, Lemon Jade Rock ‘N Grow®
I’ll be a NEW COLOR for your PALETTE.
This unique stonecrop bears bright citron yellow blossoms rather than the typical pink. Yellow seed heads take on rosy peach tones in cold weather. Compact, mounded habit.
Fall Interest Winter Interest
Heat Tolerant Drought Tolerant Salt Tolerant
Attracts: Bees Butterflies Resists: Rabbits

Witch Hazel
WITCH-HAZEL is the common name for Hamamelis virginica. The clusters of rich yellow flowers begin to expand in the autumn before the leaves fall and continue throughout the winter. Often blooms in winter!
Witch Hazel; small tree or shrub