Sedum, Bertram Anderson Plug Flat
Trailing in habit, this is a good addition to the rock garden, as a border in hot, dry areas, groundcover, and in containers. Mature foliage has a purple hue that overcasts the dusty, blue for a nice contrast. Good color even when not in bloom.

Sedum, Ellacombianum Plug Flat
This is one of the best selling perennial Sedum ground covers by both homeowners and landscapers alike. Yellow Stonecrop Sedum will add distinction and beauty to any flower garden, rock garden, container, or planter box. These Sedum ground cover plants form a luxurious mound of dark green leaves that stay attractive 3 seasons of the year. As soon as summer arrives, hundreds of sunny yellow flowers will cover the attractive foliage. When Autumn approaches, the foliage takes on a soft pinkish hue.
· Season: Perennial
· USDA Zones: 4 – 9
· Height: 4 – 6 inches
· Bloom Season: Summer
· Bloom Color: Yellow
· Environment: Full sun to partial shade
· Foliage Color: Dark green
· Soil Type: Sandy to rocky, must be well-drained, pH 6.5 – 7.5

Sedum, Emperor’s Wave Plug Flat
Vigorous 16 inch tall plants with attractive blue-green succulent foliage. Showy red-purple flowers held on strong burgundy stems in August and September. Attracts butterflies and are excellent for cutting.

Sedum, Frosty Morn
This very tough late summer through fall blooming perennial has become a new favorite for both its beauty and ease of maintenance. The white margins on the green leaves resemble frost. Really an eye catcher and sure to raise conversation by those who see it!

Sedum, Frosty Morn Plug Flat
This very tough late summer through fall blooming perennial has become a new favorite for both its beauty and ease of maintenance. The white margins on the green leaves resemble frost.

Sedum, Golden Teardrop Plug Flat
Fascinating! That’s what you can expect to hear when visitors to your garden see this hardy sedum. Good as a ground cover, in hanging baskets, and right at home in the rock garden.

Sedum, Goldilocks Plug Flat
This is the true species that is often misidentified in the trade with Sedum ellacombianum. Hairy on all of its parts, ‘Goldilocks’. Rich flowering. No maintenance required.

Sedum, Kamtschaticum “The Edge” Plug Flat
Among the most reliable of the Sedums. Extremely tough and drought resistant. This variety has chartreuse green foliage with a distinct yellow margin and bears yellow to orange flowers followed by neat orange star shaped follicles.
Choice rock garden, ground cover, or roof garden selection.

Sedum, Lemon Coral
Spiky yellow foliage! Makes an excellent ground cover (NOT for foot traffic) and is very fast growing. Good for container accents, too!
• Deadheading Not Necessary
• Deer Resistant
• Drought Tolerant
• Heat Tolerant
• Landscape Plant

Sedum, Lemon Jade Rock ‘N Grow®
I’ll be a NEW COLOR for your PALETTE.
This unique stonecrop bears bright citron yellow blossoms rather than the typical pink. Yellow seed heads take on rosy peach tones in cold weather. Compact, mounded habit.
Fall Interest Winter Interest
Heat Tolerant Drought Tolerant Salt Tolerant
Attracts: Bees Butterflies Resists: Rabbits

Sedum, Rock Garden Assortments Plug Tray
Looking to do a rock garden or a ground cover for a sunny area? Need a lot of different sedums for your project? This might be your solution!

Sempervivum, Purple Beauty
These old-fashioned unique succulent plants form a low clump of fleshy leaves, tiny new plants appearing in a circle around the mother in the middle. Excellent ground-cover or accent addition to rock gardens. Requires very little moisture and winter hardy into Zone 2!
Exposure: Plant in sun or partial shade
Height: 3-6″
Spacing: 8-12″

Shasta Daisy (Leucanthemum) Amazing Daisies™ ‘Banana Cream’
A superb selection with huge 4-5”, lemon yellow flowers which brighten to creamy white. Well-budded plants have an extra long bloom time in summer. A vigorous grower with disease resistant, dark green foliage. Nice in pots or in the garden. Zones 5-9

Shasta Daisy (Leucanthemum) Amazing Daisies™ Daisy May®
People say I have a BIG BUD.
Though she may look like a typical daisy at first, look again at her large, snow white flowers which blanket the plant and all the buds along each stem. Because of better branching and many side buds, this daisy blooms much longer than typical daisies do, often all summer long if deadheaded. Stronger flower power = Daisy May!

Shasta Daisy (Leucanthemum) Crazy Daisy
Common Name: Shasta daisy
‘Crazy Daisy’ is a Shasta daisy cultivar that typically grows 2-2.5’ tall. It is noted for its large double blooms (2.5” diameter) with frilly, twisted white rays and yellow center disks. Multiple flowers per stem. Coarsely-toothed, lance-shaped, medium green leaves (basal leaves to 12” long). Blooms most of the summer. Excellent and long-lasting fresh cut flower.
Zones 4-9

Shasta Daisy (Leucanthemum) Crazy Daisy Plug Flat
Common Name: Shasta daisy
‘Crazy Daisy’ is a Shasta daisy cultivar that typically grows 2-2.5’ tall. It is noted for its large double blooms (2.5” diameter) with frilly, twisted white rays and yellow center disks. Multiple flowers per stem. Coarsely-toothed, lance-shaped, medium green leaves (basal leaves to 12” long). Blooms most of the summer. Excellent and long-lasting fresh cut flower.
Zones 4-9

Snow In Summer (Cerastium tomentosum) Plug Flat
A very useful groundcover perennial, often grown in dry, sunny areas with poor soil. Plants form a low, fast-spreading mat of silvery-grey leaves, studded with tiny white star flowers in late spring and early summer. An indestructible choice for difficult sites, but be sure to plant this where its spreading habit will not become a problem. Beautiful spilling over rock walls or on steep sunny slopes, used as a lawn substitute. Also grows well in tubs or mixed containers.

Thyme, Creeping Magic Carpet
A very low growing creeping thyme cultivar bearing masses of pink flowers. Excellent between pavers along walkways or patios or spilling over rocks and retaining walls. Rarely gets more than 2″ tall. Excellent for use between flagstones in a pathway. Withstands light foot traffic and emits a pleasant scent when walked on.

Thyme, Creeping Mother of Thyme “Walk-on-me”
Mother of Thyme is an ideal choice for planting between walkway stones, edging the flower or vegetable garden, or cascading over rocks or wood in a terraced garden. Its dense, spreading habit makes it the ideal groundcover, while its rich fragrance and bright blooms add immeasurably to the appeal of any landscape.. Withstands light foot traffic and emits a pleasant scent when walked on.

Thyme, Creeping Red
Red creeping thyme gives you brilliant crimson flowers carpeting a low, mat-forming plant in early summer. A spectacular sight in the front of the border or cascading over a wall, it’s the easiest and most attractive way to blanket the sunny ground with radiant color. The 2 in. Tall plants are densely covered with tiny, dark green, shiny leaves that are intensely aromatic when crushed. Plant red creeping thyme between paving stones or along the walkway and enjoy its fragrance every time you enter the garden.
Clusters of pink-red flowers appear in summer on plants that reach ½ to 2 inches tall and up to 3 feet wide.

Thyme, English
No herb garden is complete without English thyme! One of the hardier Thymes, these highly fragrant plants will produce large quantities of aromatic, tiny leaves that can be used either fresh or dried.
Zones 5-10. Zone 4 with protection.
Tough and hardy perennial herb.