Herniaria, Green Carpet
Almost as rugged as grass, this groundcover can take substantial foot traffic. It also has a deep growing tap root, so is very drought tolerant. One plant can spread up to 24″. It has been used as a lawn substitute in some areas. Many people never notice it flowering because the white blossoms are so tiny and have no petals. But the foliage remains attractive, turning a bronzy red in winter. It’s great in heavy foot traffic areas because without flowers, it doesn’t attract bees.
Excellent in rock gardens and between flagstones in pathways. Also attractive spilling over walls, out of hanging baskets, and containers. A great substitute for Creeping Thyme.
Another name for this plant is Rupturewort. Said by herbalists to be used for urinary problems, since it increases urea and sodium emission without increasing urine flow.
- USDA Zones: 6 – 10
- Height: 3 inches
- Width: 12 – 24 inches
- Exposure: Full sun to partial shade

The key ingredient for making old-fashioned Horehound candy.
This tough Perennial herb has attractive, fuzzy gray foliage. Zones 4-9
Most used for flavoring honey and candy.
Has a rich history in medicine. Horehound candy is also used to treat coughs, sore throat.

Horehound Plug Flat
The key ingredient for making old-fashioned Horehound candy.
This tough Perennial herb has attractive, fuzzy gray foliage. Zones 4-9
Most used for flavoring honey and candy.
Has a rich history in medicine. Horehound candy is also used to treat coughs, sore throat.
Will tolerate even the poorest soils provided it is not soggy.
Best in full sun.
Height: 36″. Space plants 24″.
Bloom time: early to mid-late summer.

Kniphofia Flamenco (tritoma, red hot poker, torch lily)
Kniphofia uvaria Flamenco
1999 AAS Flower Winner
An old fashioned flower, Tritoma is also known as red-hot-poker. Flamenco plants will flower the first year even though a perennial to zone 5. The flower spikes contain tubular blooms that are attractive to hummingbirds. The mature plants may grow three feet tall.
Height: 24-36 in.
Spacing: 12-15 in.
Zones 3-9
1 year old, fully vernalized plants shipped in deep pint pots. Will bloom year planted from a spring planting

Kniphofia Flamenco (tritoma, red hot poker, torch lily) Plug Flat
Kniphofia uvaria Flamenco
1999 AAS Flower Winner
An old fashioned flower, Tritoma is also known as red-hot-poker. Flamenco plants will flower the first year even though a perennial to zone 5. The flower spikes contain tubular blooms that are attractive to hummingbirds. The mature plants may grow three feet tall.
Height: 24-36 in.
Spacing: 12-15 in.
Zones 3-9
Grown and shipped in 11 x 21″ plug tray. 72 plugs per tray

Lamium, Anne Greenaway
Common name is Spotted Dead Nettle
Deer-resistant Self-cleaning, no deadheading necessary.
An exquisite blend of chartreuse, silver, medium-green, and mint green embellishes the foliage of L. ‘Anne Greenaway’. With such fantastic coloring, this groundcover is breathtaking even when not in bloom. Mauve flowers add to the ornamental value from late spring into early summer, then bloom sporadically until frost. Evergreen in zones 7 and above.
Exposure: Plant in sun or shade Height 8-12″ Spacing 10-14″ Hardy Temp: -30°F (-34°C) Zones 4-9 Perennial Uses: Plant alone or in combinations in all container types and landscapes. Excellent groundcover.

Lamium, Anne Greenaway Plug Flat
Common name is Spotted Dead Nettle
Deer-resistant Self-cleaning, no deadheading necessary.
An exquisite blend of chartreuse, silver, medium-green, and mint green embellishes the foliage of L. ‘Anne Greenaway’. With such fantastic coloring, this groundcover is breathtaking even when not in bloom. Mauve flowers add to the ornamental value from late spring into early summer, then bloom sporadically until frost. Evergreen in zones 7 and above.
Exposure: Plant in sun or shade Height 8-12″ Spacing 10-14″ Hardy Temp: -30°F (-34°C) Zones 4-9 Perennial Uses: Plant alone or in combinations in all container types and landscapes. Excellent groundcover.

Lamium, Beacon Silver
Common name is Spotted Dead Nettle
Deer-resistant Self-cleaning, no deadheading necessary.
This popular variety has silvery leaves with narrow, green margins which provide a lovely backdrop for the lavender-pink, hooded flowers produced from midspring to early summer. Lamium makes an excellent, weed-smothering groundcover and is also a good mask for dying bulb foliage.
Evergreen in zones 7 and above.
Exposure: Plant in sun or shade
Height 8-12″ Spacing 10-14″
Hardy Temp: -30°F (-34°C) Zones 4-9 Perennial
Uses: Plant alone or in combinations in all container types and landscapes. Excellent groundcover.

Lamium, Beacon Silver Plug Flat
Common name is Spotted Dead Nettle
Deer-resistant Self-cleaning, no deadheading necessary.
This popular variety has silvery leaves with narrow, green margins which provide a lovely backdrop for the lavender-to-pink, hooded flowers produced from midspring to early summer. Lamium makes an excellent, weed-smothering groundcover and is also a good mask for dying bulb foliage.
Evergreen in zones 7 and above.

Lamium, Ghost
Common name is Spotted Dead Nettle
Deer-resistant Self-cleaning, no deadheading necessary.
This very large variety dwarfs other lamiums by comparison! Standing about a foot tall, the all-silver leaves create a billowy cloud of silver in the garden. The leaves measure a full 1.5 inches long compared to 1/2 to 3/4 inches long on other varieties.
Clusters of large, bright orchid purple flowers top the clump of silver foliage in mid to late spring. The contrast between the flowers and foliage is striking and often stops passersby in their tracks! Blooms from late April thru August.
Lamium makes an excellent, weed-smothering groundcover and is also a good mask for dying bulb foliage.
Evergreen in zones 7 and above.
Exposure: Plant in sun or shade
Height 10-16″ Spacing 10-14″
Hardy Temp: -30°F (-34°C) Zones 4-9 Perennial
Uses: Plant alone or in combinations in all container types and landscapes. Excellent groundcover.

Lamium, Ghost Plug Flat
Common name is Spotted Dead Nettle
Deer-resistant Self-cleaning, no deadheading necessary.
This very large variety dwarfs other lamiums by comparison! Standing about a foot tall, the all-silver leaves create a billowy cloud of silver in the garden. The leaves measure a full 1.5 inches long compared to 1/2 to 3/4 inches long on other varieties.
Clusters of large, bright orchid purple flowers top the clump of silver foliage in mid to late spring. The contrast between the flowers and foliage is striking and often stops passersby in their tracks! Blooms from late April thru August.
Lamium makes an excellent, weed-smothering groundcover and is also a good mask for dying bulb foliage.
Evergreen in zones 7 and above.
Exposure: Plant in sun or shade
Height 10-16″ Spacing 10-14″
Hardy Temp: -30°F (-34°C) Zones 4-9 Perennial
Uses: Plant alone or in combinations in all container types and landscapes. Excellent groundcover.

Lamium, Orchid Frost
Common name is Spotted Dead Nettle
Deer-resistant Self-cleaning, no deadheading necessary.
Silvery-white leaves with scalloped, blue-green margins are a lovely backdrop for the delicate, orchid-pink flowers which are produced profusely in midspring and sporadically throughout the summer.
The distinctive, two-toned effect of the leaves is unlike any other Lamium, and it simply glows in the shade. Clusters of large, bright orchid purple flowers top the clump of silver foliage in mid to late spring. The contrast between the flowers and foliage is striking and often stops passersby in their tracks! Blooms from late April thru August.
Lamium makes an excellent, weed-smothering groundcover and is also a good mask for dying bulb foliage.
Evergreen in zones 7 and above.
Exposure: Plant in sun or shade Height 10-16″ Spacing 10-14″ Hardy Temp: -30°F (-34°C) Zones 4-9 Perennial Uses: Plant alone or in combinations in all container types and landscapes. Excellent groundcover.

Lamium, Orchid Frost Plug Flat
Common name is Spotted Dead Nettle
Deer-resistant Self-cleaning, no deadheading necessary.
Silvery-white leaves with scalloped, blue-green margins are a lovely backdrop for the delicate, orchid-pink flowers which are produced profusely in midspring and sporadically throughout the summer.
The distinctive, two-toned effect of the leaves is unlike any other Lamium, and it simply glows in the shade. Clusters of large, bright orchid purple flowers top the clump of silver foliage in mid to late spring. The contrast between the flowers and foliage is striking and often stops passersby in their tracks! Blooms from late April thru August.
Lamium makes an excellent, weed-smothering groundcover and is also a good mask for dying bulb foliage.
Evergreen in zones 7 and above.
Exposure: Plant in sun or shade Height 10-16″ Spacing 10-14″ Hardy Temp: -30°F (-34°C) Zones 4-9 Perennial Uses: Plant alone or in combinations in all container types and landscapes. Excellent groundcover.

Lamium, Pink Chabils-Proven Winners
Common name is Dead Nettle
Deer-resistant Self-cleaning, no deadheading necessary.
Plant in sun or shade
Height 8-12″ Spacing 10-14″
Hardy Temp
-30°F (-34°C) Zones 4-9 Perennial
Plant alone or in combinations in all container types and landscapes
A frothy confection of silver and green foliage with cotton candy pink flowers; heat tolerant

Lamium, Pink Pewter Plug Flat
Common name is Spotted Dead Nettle
Deer-resistant Self-cleaning, no deadheading necessary.
Exposure: Plant in sun or shade
Height 8-12″ Spacing 10-14″
Hardy Temp: -30°F (-34°C) Zones 4-9 Perennial
Uses: Plant alone or in combinations in all container types and landscapes
Features: A frothy confection of silver and green foliage with pink flowers; heat tolerant
Lamium makes an excellent, weed-smothering groundcover and is also a good mask for dying bulb foliage.
Evergreen in zones 7 and above. Excellent groundcover.

Lamium, Purple Chabils-Proven Winners
Common name is Dead Nettle
Deer-resistant Self-cleaning, no deadheading necessary.
Plant in sun or shade
Height 8-12″ Spacing 10-14″
Hardy Temp
-30°F (-34°C) Zones 4-9 Perennial
Plant alone or in combinations in all container types and landscapes
A frothy confection of silver and green foliage with lavender-purple flowers; heat tolerant

Lamium, Red Nancy
Common name is Spotted Dead Nettle
Deer-resistant Self-cleaning, no deadheading necessary.
Exposure: Plant in sun or shade
Height 8-12″ Spacing 10-14″
Hardy Temp: -30°F (-34°C) Zones 4-9 Perennial
Uses: Plant alone or in combinations in all container types and landscapes
Features: A frothy confection of silver and green foliage with purple-red flowers; heat tolerant (Our note: Blooms are more of a violet color than red)
Lamium makes an excellent, weed-smothering groundcover and is also a good mask for dying bulb foliage.
Evergreen in zones 7 and above. Excellent groundcover.

Lamium, Red Nancy Plug Flat
Common name is Spotted Dead Nettle
Deer-resistant Self-cleaning, no deadheading necessary.
Exposure: Plant in sun or shade
Height 8-12″ Spacing 10-14″
Hardy Temp: -30°F (-34°C) Zones 4-9 Perennial
Uses: Plant alone or in combinations in all container types and landscapes
Features: A frothy confection of silver and green foliage with purple-red flowers; heat tolerant (Our note: Blooms are more of a violet color than red)
Lamium makes an excellent, weed-smothering groundcover and is also a good mask for dying bulb foliage.
Evergreen in zones 7 and above. Excellent groundcover.

Lamium, Shell Pink
Common name is Spotted Dead Nettle
This selection forms a spreading patch of small heart-shaped green leaves with a silvery stripe down the middle. Clusters of soft-pink flowers appear in spring, then continue on and off until fall.
Lamium makes an excellent, weed-smothering groundcover and is also a good mask for dying bulb foliage.
Evergreen in zones 7 and above.
Exposure: Plant in sun or shade Height 10-16″ Spacing 10-14″ Hardy Temp: -30°F (-34°C) Zones 4-9 Perennial Uses: Plant alone or in combinations in all container types and landscapes. Excellent groundcover.

Lamium, White Nancy
Common name is Spotted Dead Nettle
Deer-resistant Self-cleaning, no deadheading necessary.
Exposure: Plant in sun or shade
Height 8-12″ Spacing 10-14″
Hardy Temp: -30°F (-34°C) Zones 4-9 Perennial
Uses: Plant alone or in combinations in all container types and landscapes
Features: A frothy confection of silver and green foliage with white flowers; heat tolerant
Lamium makes an excellent, weed-smothering groundcover and is also a good mask for dying bulb foliage.
Evergreen in zones 7 and above. Excellent groundcover.

Lamium, White Nancy Plug Flat
Common name is Spotted Dead Nettle
Deer-resistant Self-cleaning, no deadheading necessary.
Exposure: Plant in sun or shade
Height 8-12″ Spacing 10-14″
Hardy Temp: -30°F (-34°C) Zones 4-9 Perennial
Uses: Plant alone or in combinations in all container types and landscapes
Features: A frothy confection of silver and green foliage with white flowers; heat tolerant
Lamium makes an excellent, weed-smothering groundcover and is also a good mask for dying bulb foliage.
Evergreen in zones 7 and above. Excellent groundcover.

Lamium,’Purple Dragon’ PP15890
Common name is Spotted Dead Nettle
Deer-resistant Self-cleaning, no deadheading necessary.
Sizeable, dense terminal spikes of rich purple flowers seem to jump right out of the bright silvery foliage of ‘Purple Dragon’ PP15890.
This robust cultivar was selected for having the deepest purple, most snapdragon-like flowers of any Lamium
Blooms from late April thru August.
Lamium makes an excellent, weed-smothering groundcover and is also a good mask for dying bulb foliage.
Evergreen in zones 7 and above.
Exposure: Plant in sun or shade Height 10-16″ Spacing 10-14″ Hardy Temp: -30°F (-34°C) Zones 4-9 Perennial Uses: Plant alone or in combinations in all container types and landscapes. Excellent groundcover.

Lamium,’Purple Dragon’ PP15890 Plug Flat
Common name is Spotted Dead Nettle
Deer-resistant Self-cleaning, no deadheading necessary.
Sizeable, dense terminal spikes of rich purple flowers seem to jump right out of the bright silvery foliage of ‘Purple Dragon’ PP15890.
This robust cultivar was selected for having the deepest purple, most snapdragon-like flowers of any Lamium
Blooms from late April thru August.
Lamium makes an excellent, weed-smothering groundcover and is also a good mask for dying bulb foliage.
Evergreen in zones 7 and above.
Exposure: Plant in sun or shade Height 10-16″ Spacing 10-14″ Hardy Temp: -30°F (-34°C) Zones 4-9 Perennial Uses: Plant alone or in combinations in all container types and landscapes. Excellent groundcover.

Lavender, Hidcote Superior, English
Lavandula angustifolia
The classic form complete with wonderful fragrance! A necessity in the garden or landscape! This is the true lavender!
Just brushing up against it will release its intense aroma! The foliage is silver-gray, and the flowers are deep violet-blue-colored. The leaves are evergreen and reach 2 in. long. Flowering occurs in summer, and the flowers are ¼–½ in. long, form interrupted spikes, and have an attractive fragrance. The leaves and the flowers are aromatic and have many uses.
Compact grower makes it ideal for lining walkways, the back of the herb garden, or for growing among roses and taller companion plants.
Deer don’t like it
Zones 5-9
20-30″ High x 18″ Wide
Optimal growing conditions: True lavender is soil and drought tolerant but performs best in well-drained soil under full sun. Drainage is the most important factor. Another thing useful to know: Growth can be slow and soft in heavy soils, and a hardiness problem may appear. In good conditions, the growth rate is moderate.
Grown and shipped in 3-1/2″ Perennial Pots

Lavender, Munstead English
Lavandula angustifolia
The classic form complete with wonderful fragrance! A necessity in the garden or landscape! This is the true lavender!
Just brushing up against it will release its intense aroma! The foliage is silver-gray, and the flowers are deep violet-blue-colored. The leaves are evergreen and reach 2 in. long. Flowering occurs in summer, and the flowers are ¼–½ in. long, form interrupted spikes, and have an attractive fragrance. The leaves and the flowers are aromatic and have many uses.
Compact grower makes it ideal for lining walkways, the back of the herb garden, or for growing among roses and taller companion plants.
Deer don’t like it
Zones 5-9
20-30″ High x 18″ Wide
Optimal growing conditions: True lavender is soil and drought tolerant but performs best in well-drained soil under full sun. Drainage is the most important factor. Another thing useful to know: Growth can be slow and soft in heavy soils, and a hardiness problem may appear. In good conditions, the growth rate is moderate.
Grown and shipped in 3-1/2″ Perennial Pots

Lavender, Vera, English
Lavandula angustifolia
The classic form complete with wonderful fragrance! A necessity in the garden or landscape! This is the true lavender!
Just brushing up against it will release its intense aroma! The foliage is silver-gray, and the flowers are deep violet-blue-colored. The leaves are evergreen and reach 2 in. long. Flowering occurs in summer, and the flowers are ¼–½ in. long, form interrupted spikes, and have an attractive fragrance. The leaves and the flowers are aromatic and have many uses.
Compact grower makes it ideal for lining walkways, the back of the herb garden, or for growing among roses and taller companion plants.
Deer don’t like it
Zones 5-9
20-30″ High x 18″ Wide
Optimal growing conditions: True lavender is soil and drought tolerant but performs best in well-drained soil under full sun. Drainage is the most important factor. Another thing useful to know: Growth can be slow and soft in heavy soils, and a hardiness problem may appear. In good conditions, the growth rate is moderate.
Grown and shipped in 3-1/2″ Perennial Pots

Lemon Balm
Sweet lemon-mint scent! Easy to grow in moist, well-drained fertile soil. Prefers full sun. Mature height: 18-26″. Space 12″.
Perennial herb Zones 4-9. A protective mulch is suggested where winter temps drop below 0
Use the fresh leaves for tea and salads.
Traditional medicinal uses: Foliage used for colds, flu, depression, headache, indigestion. Sedative. Antiviral.
15-30 days to harvest from potted plants.

Lemon Balm Plug Flat
The key ingredient for making lemon balm tea.
This tough Perennial herb has a great lemon scent. Zones 4-9
Will tolerate even the poorest soils provided it is not soggy.
Best in full sun.
Height: 24″. Space plants 24″.
Bloom time: early to mid-late summer.

Leucanthemum (Shasta Daisy) Silver Spoons Plug Flat
Leucanthemum (Shasta Daisy) superbum Silver Spoons
Height: 36 inches
Zone: 3
Tall erect stems, unique spoonlike pure white petals, yellow center, mounded habit
(Formerly Chrysanthemum maximum) No sunny border would seem complete without the familiar presence of Shasta Daisies. This is a terrific dwarf strain, producing a low mound with a long succession of large white yellow-eyed daisies. Great for edging, also excellent in tubs or mixed containers. Divide plants in the spring every 2 to 3 years to maintain vigor. Removing faded flowers regularly will greatly increase the blooming time. Attractive to butterflies.

Leucanthemum (Shasta Daisy) Snow Lady Plug Flat
Leucanthemum (Shasta Daisy) Snow Lady
Height: 8 inches
Zone: 3
AAS Winning F1 hybrid: Compact, floriferous, weather tolerant, great garden performance.
(Formerly Chrysanthemum maximum) No sunny border would seem complete without the familiar presence of Shasta Daisies. This is a terrific dwarf strain, producing a low mound with a long succession of large white yellow-eyed daisies. Great for edging, also excellent in tubs or mixed containers. Divide plants in the spring every 2 to 3 years to maintain vigor. Removing faded flowers regularly will greatly increase the blooming time. Attractive to butterflies.

Leucanthemum (Shasta Daisy) White Breeze Plug Flat
Leucanthemum (Shasta Daisy) leucanthemum White Breeze
Height: 11 inches
Zone: 3
Fleuroselect, Ultra compact, pure white shasta daisies with prominent yellow eye, sturdy upright habit, flowers first year

Mint, Apple
This hardy perennial is a very robust grower. Apple Mint has interesting light green leaves. They are somewhat hairy on the upper surface and downy underneath, with serrated edges. They can grow up to 3 feet high, but may be kept lower.
Grow Apple Mint in full sun to light shade. Feed them heavily in late summer to guarantee healthy growth the following spring. Apple Mint will survive in dry soil, but will do much better in moist, fertile ground. Cut back or mow down the Mint patch 2 or 3 times a year to encourage fresh growth. Cut the stems even with the ground and throw out the long, woody stems. Strip off and dry whole leaves for potpourris. Save the top 2 to 3 sets of leaves for fresh use and garnishes. Apple Mint’s fragrance may vary in strength; the mild apple flavor doesn’t sustain well in dried leaves.

Mint, Apple Plug Flat
This hardy perennial is a very robust grower. Apple Mint has interesting light green leaves. They are somewhat hairy on the upper surface and downy underneath, with serrated edges. They can grow up to 3 feet high, but may be kept lower.
Grow Apple Mint in full sun to light shade. Feed them heavily in late summer to guarantee healthy growth the following spring. Apple Mint will survive in dry soil, but will do much better in moist, fertile ground. Cut back or mow down the Mint patch 2 or 3 times a year to encourage fresh growth. Cut the stems even with the ground and throw out the long, woody stems. Strip off and dry whole leaves for potpourris. Save the top 2 to 3 sets of leaves for fresh use and garnishes. Apple Mint’s fragrance may vary in strength; the mild apple flavor doesn’t sustain well in dried leaves.

Mint, Chocolate
Tastes like a Peppermint Patty. Distinct hint of chocolate flavor and aroma. If you are a coffee lover, place a sprig in the bottom of your mug and pour hot coffee over it and let steep for a few minutes. Great stuff! Or try using it finely chopped and added to chocolate sauces, frostings, or ice creams for a refreshing minty flavor.

Mint, Kentucky Colonel Spearmint
THE MOJITO MINT! Commercially grown for Mint Juleps, Mojitos, and spearmint flavoring. Large, dark green, slightly crinkly leaves. Kentucky Colonel is a reliably hardy, strongly flavored spearmint that is favored by many herb growers. OUR MOST POPULAR MINT!

Mint, Orange
Also called Eau de Cologne mint, similar to the bergamot orange used to flavor Earl Grey tea. It makes a wonderful addition to iced tea, fruit desserts, and pot pourris.