
Delosperma (Ice Plant) Table Mountain Plug Flat


‘Table Mountain’, has 1-2” bright single fuchsia daisy like colored blooms that cover the plant most of the summer.

The foliage is deep green, almost succulent looking, and extremely shiny. ‘Table Mountain’ is an improvement of the old fashioned Delosperma ‘Coperi’.

Expect a plant spread of 18” and a height of 2-3”. Best suited for a sunny area, with some afternoon shade, with well- drained soil. It prefers dry and sandy soil and does not like wet soil, especially in the winter.

Hot conditions keep the flowers blooming most of the summer, and it requires little to no care.

Out of stock


Delosperma cooperi



‘Table Mountain’, has 1-2” bright single fuchsia daisy like colored blooms that cover the plant most of the summer.

The foliage is deep green, almost succulent looking, and extremely shiny. ‘Table Mountain’ is an improvement of the old fashioned Delosperma ‘Coperi’.

Expect a plant spread of 18” and a height of 2-3”. Best suited for a sunny area, with some afternoon shade, with well- drained soil. It prefers dry and sandy soil and does not like wet soil, especially in the winter.

Hot conditions keep the flowers blooming most of the summer, and it requires little to no care.

This will look great used as a ground cover in a rock garden, in front of a perennial border, and as an erosion prevention on sloped grounds.

Can also be used on hard to grow areas in the sun garden as they have little water requirements, yet fill in very quickly.

  • Fuchsia Colored Daisy Like Flowers
  • Blooms All Season
  • Loves Heat and Drought
  • Height of 2-3″
  • Zones 5-9
  • Spread to 18″
  • Evergreen in most zones.  May turn yellow in fall/winter north of zone 6

Grown and shipped in 11 x 21″ plug tray.  72 plugs per tray

Additional information

Weight 10 lbs
Dimensions 24 × 12 × 4 in
Flat Count

50 Count, 70 Count