Mint, Apple Plug Flat
This hardy perennial is a very robust grower. Apple Mint has interesting light green leaves. They are somewhat hairy on the upper surface and downy underneath, with serrated edges. They can grow up to 3 feet high, but may be kept lower.
Grow Apple Mint in full sun to light shade. Feed them heavily in late summer to guarantee healthy growth the following spring. Apple Mint will survive in dry soil, but will do much better in moist, fertile ground. Cut back or mow down the Mint patch 2 or 3 times a year to encourage fresh growth. Cut the stems even with the ground and throw out the long, woody stems. Strip off and dry whole leaves for potpourris. Save the top 2 to 3 sets of leaves for fresh use and garnishes. Apple Mint’s fragrance may vary in strength; the mild apple flavor doesn’t sustain well in dried leaves.

Mint, Chocolate
Tastes like a Peppermint Patty. Distinct hint of chocolate flavor and aroma. If you are a coffee lover, place a sprig in the bottom of your mug and pour hot coffee over it and let steep for a few minutes. Great stuff! Or try using it finely chopped and added to chocolate sauces, frostings, or ice creams for a refreshing minty flavor.

Mint, Kentucky Colonel Spearmint
THE MOJITO MINT! Commercially grown for Mint Juleps, Mojitos, and spearmint flavoring. Large, dark green, slightly crinkly leaves. Kentucky Colonel is a reliably hardy, strongly flavored spearmint that is favored by many herb growers. OUR MOST POPULAR MINT!

Mint, Orange
Also called Eau de Cologne mint, similar to the bergamot orange used to flavor Earl Grey tea. It makes a wonderful addition to iced tea, fruit desserts, and pot pourris.

Mint, Spearmint
Classic Spearmint

Mint, Spearmint, Kentucky Colonel Plug Flat
THE MOJITO MINT! Commercially grown for Mint Juleps, Mojitos, and spearmint flavoring. Large, dark green, slightly crinkly leaves. Kentucky Colonel is a reliably hardy, strongly flavored spearmint that is favored by many herb growers. OUR MOST POPULAR MINT!

Moss, Irish “Crispy” Plug Flat
A variety of Irish Moss developed by Jelitto. Very compact and dense.
Excellent ground cover and also very good for use between flagstones in pathways. Tolerates light foot traffic, but not for a heavily used pathway. Nice choice for the rock garden, too.
Zones: 4 – 8
Height: 1 – 4 inches
Full to Partial Sun…………..Light shade in the south is a must
An evergreen ground cover. The mossy foliage grows just 1 – 3 inches tall and creates the effect of a moss-covered meadow.
During early to midsummer when it blooms, it is covered with small white flowers.
Needs moisture retentive, gritty, well-drained soil. Will do poorly in wet, soggy ground.
Not a true moss, but these tiny plants resemble moss and are terrific planted around flagstones, in containers or used as a small scale ground cover.

Moss, Irish Plug Flat
Excellent ground cover and also very good for use between flagstones in pathways. Tolerates light foot traffic, but not for a heavily used pathway. Nice choice for the rock garden, too.
Zones: 4 – 8
Height: 1 – 4 inches
Full to Partial Sun…………..Light shade in the south is a must
An evergreen ground cover. The mossy foliage grows just 1 – 3 inches tall and creates the effect of a moss-covered meadow.
During early to midsummer when it blooms, it is covered with small white flowers.
Needs moisture retentive, gritty, well-drained soil. Will do poorly in wet, soggy ground.
Not a true moss, but these tiny plants resemble moss and are terrific planted around flagstones, in containers or used as a small scale ground cover.

Moss, Scotch Plug Flat
Excellent ground cover and also very good for use between flagstones in pathways. Tolerates light foot traffic, but not for a heavily used pathway. Nice choice for the rock garden, too.
Zones: 4 – 8
Height: 1 – 4 inches
Full to Partial Sun…………..Light shade in the south is a must
An evergreen ground cover. The mossy foliage grows just 1 – 3 inches tall and creates the effect of a moss-covered meadow.
During early to midsummer when it blooms, it is covered with small white flowers.
Needs moisture retentive, gritty, well-drained soil. Will do poorly in wet, soggy ground.
Not a true moss, but these tiny plants resemble moss and are terrific planted around flagstones, in containers or used as a small scale ground cover.

Oregano, Greek-Hot & Spicy
Tiny, dark green leaves with white flowers. Spicy-oregano zest! Reliable perennial herb.
Immediate use from potted plants.
Best in full sun. mature height: 8-24″. Spacing: 12″. Perennial Zones 4-9.

Oregano, Sicilian
True perennial Italian Sicilian oregano. Nice oregano aroma; great for pizza and Italian cooking. Dark green leaves with white flowers. Traditional medicinal uses: In tea for indigestion. Easy to start from seed. Reliable perennial herb.
80-90 days to harvest when started indoors from seed. Immediate use from potted plants.
Best in full sun. mature height: 8-24″. Spacing: 12″. Perennial Zones 4-9.

Prunella Grandiflora Plug Flat
Short spikes of hooded white flowers are produced above a thick carpet of deep green foliage. Begins blooming in June and continues all the way through September. This makes an excellent ground cover or border plant. The foliage reaches about 4 inches tall, but the flowers will bloom upward another 6 – 8 inches. Space Prunella 10 – 12 inches apart.
A common name for Prunella is Self Heal. As the name indicates, Self Heal has medicinal properties.
Best in full sun, but will tolerate partial shade. Requires a well drained soil. Not for wet or soggy areas.
- USDA Zones: 4 – 8
- Height: 4 – 7 inches
- Width: 12 – 18 inches
- Bloom Season: Spring through fall

Pussy Toes (Antennaria dioica) Plug Flat
Antennaria dioica
“Pussy Toes”
USDA Zone: 1-9 |
A tough plant especially suited to hot sunny locations and poor, dry soil. This forms a very low, creeping mat of tiny, bright silvery-grey leaves. Short stems of fuzzy pink flowers appear in late spring. Perfect for the sunny rock garden, as a small groundcover, or for between paving stones. Also excellent growing in rock walls or in alpine trough gardens. Very drought tolerant.

Rudbeckia fulgida ‘Goldsturm’ (Black Eyed Susan)
This dependable and long-lived perennial boasts many single golden daisies with deep brown cones over a very long period. 1999 Perennial Plant Association Plant of the Year.
Blooms: Summer, Fall
July – October
Growth Rate: Fast
Size Range: 24″-36″ tall x 24″-36″ wide
Exposure: Full sun
Soil: Tolerates Sandy, Tolerates Clay, Loam, Tolerates Rocky, Not particular, Average, Well-drained soils recommended. Does not like soggy locations
Water Use: Drought Tolerant. Follow a regular watering schedule the first growing season to establish a strong root system.
Maintenance: Low
USDA Zone 4-10, -30 to -20F
(-34 to -29C)

Sage, Garden
Hardy perennial.
Zones 5-9
Sun to Part Shade.
16-30″ height. Space 12″-18″.
Edible leaves and flowers: garnish, cook in rice, egg or cheese dishes. Classic herb for stuffing.
Tough and hardy perennial herb.

Sage, Garden Plug Flat
Hardy perennial. Zones 5-9 Days to Maturity: 80-90 days to harvest when started indoors from seed. Sun to Part Shade. 16-30″ height. Space 12″-18″. Edible flowers: garnish, cook in rice, egg or cheese dishes. Tough and hardy perennial herb.

Saponaria (Rock Soapwort) Deep Pink Plug Flat
Low maintenance ground cover and rock garden perennial. Plants form a low mound of bright-green leaves, literally smothered by starry bright-deep-pink flowers in late spring. Easy to grow and drought tolerant, once established.
Also useful for edging and spilling over rock walls and out of containers. Not invasive. Plants can be easily divided, if desired, in early spring. Evergreen in all but the coldest zones. Deer resistant. Tough, but not for foot traffic.
Hardy Zones 2-9. May not remain evergreen in zones 2 & 3.
Height: 6-8 inches
Spread: 12-24 inches Sun
Exposure: Full Sun
Soil Type: Not fussy, but should be well drained.
Soil Moisture: Average to Dry

Sedum, ‘Boogie Woogie’ Rock ‘N Round™
A summer-flowering groundcover plant with beautiful green and cream variegation. It looks beautifully bright all season, and yellow flowers are an added bonus
Zones 3-9

Sedum, ‘Bundle of Joy’ Rock ‘N Grow®
Forms a low, rounded mound in spring, growing to just under 1′ tall by summer. Light green leaves become covered in a dome of pure white flowers followed by pretty seed heads.
Zones 3-9

Sedum, ‘Popstar’ Rock ‘N Round™
This low maintenance perennial will be the star of your late summer garden. Blue-green foliage forms a dense, compact, mounded habit. Salmon pink flowers.
Zones 3-9

Sedum, ‘Pride and Joy’ Rock ‘N Round™
Forms a low, rounded mound in spring, growing to just under 1′ tall by summer. Dark green leaves become covered in a dome of dark pink flowers followed by pretty seed heads.
Zones 3-9

Sedum, ‘Superstar’ Rock ‘N Grow®
This low maintenance perennial will be the star of your late summer garden. Dark turquoise foliage forms a dense, compact, mounded habit. Rosy pink flowers.
Zones 3-9

Sedum, ‘Yellow Brick Road’ Rock ‘N Low™
A beautiful groundcover for sunny, dry areas. Fine-textured yellow flowers cover dark green leaves and red stems with a beautiful habit. Blooms a little later than standard summer flowering Stonecrop to extend the season of your garden.
Zones 3-9

Sedum, “Dragon’s Blood”, Plug Flats
Our top-selling Sedum groundcover!
Also known as Two Row Stonecrop, this groundcover sedum will turn a deep red-maroon when exposed to full sun under cool or stressful conditions.

Sedum, “Lemon Coral” Plug Flat
Spiky yellow foliage! Makes an excellent ground cover (NOT for foot traffic) and is very fast growing. Good for container accents, too!
• Deadheading Not Necessary
• Deer Resistant
• Drought Tolerant
• Heat Tolerant
• Landscape Plant

Sedum, “Oracle” Plug Flat
This Sedum is a mat-forming, evergreen stonecrop that it native to western Europe. It typically grows to 4-8″ tall and spreads to 10-12″ wide. ‘Oracle’ is a cultivar that features star-shaped yellow flowers (1/2” wide) that bloom in terminal clusters (cymes) in summer (June-July). Non-flowering stems are densely covered with pointed, flattened, succulent, gray-green leaves (to 3/8″ long) in obconical rosettes.

Sedum, “Vera Jameson” Plug Flat
Believed to be a cross between S. telephium maximum ‘Atropurpureum’ and S. ‘Ruby Glow’, this beautiful plant adds color to the garden even when not in bloom. New growth shows blue-green leaves that slowly turn deep burgundy purple.

Sedum, Autumn Fire
This very tough late summer through fall blooming perennial has become a worldwide favorite for both its beauty and ease of maintenance. The flowers begin showing a broccoli green color during summer. As the summer progresses, the flowers become pinker until they turn a beautiful russet tone by fall.

Sedum, Autumn Fire Plug Flat
This very tough late summer through fall blooming perennial has become a worldwide favorite for both its beauty and ease of maintenance. The flowers begin showing a broccoli green color during summer. As the summer progresses, the flowers become pinker until they turn a beautiful russet tone by fall. 50 count Plug Flat

Sedum, Autumn Joy
This very tough late summer through fall blooming perennial has become a worldwide favorite for both its beauty and ease of maintenance. The flowers begin showing a broccoli green color during summer. As the summer progresses, the flowers become pinker until they turn a beautiful russet tone by fall.

Sedum, Autumn Joy Plug Flat
This very tough late summer through fall blooming perennial has become a worldwide favorite for both its beauty and ease of maintenance. The flowers begin showing a broccoli green color during summer. As the summer progresses, the flowers become pinker until they turn a beautiful russet tone by fall. 50 Count Plug Flat

Sedum, Bertram Anderson
Trailing in habit, this is a good addition to the rock garden, as a border in hot, dry areas, groundcover, and in containers. Mature foliage has a purple hue that overcasts the dusty, blue for a nice contrast. Good color even when not in bloom.

Sedum, Bertram Anderson Plug Flat
Trailing in habit, this is a good addition to the rock garden, as a border in hot, dry areas, groundcover, and in containers. Mature foliage has a purple hue that overcasts the dusty, blue for a nice contrast. Good color even when not in bloom.

Sedum, Ellacombianum Plug Flat
This is one of the best selling perennial Sedum ground covers by both homeowners and landscapers alike. Yellow Stonecrop Sedum will add distinction and beauty to any flower garden, rock garden, container, or planter box. These Sedum ground cover plants form a luxurious mound of dark green leaves that stay attractive 3 seasons of the year. As soon as summer arrives, hundreds of sunny yellow flowers will cover the attractive foliage. When Autumn approaches, the foliage takes on a soft pinkish hue.
· Season: Perennial
· USDA Zones: 4 – 9
· Height: 4 – 6 inches
· Bloom Season: Summer
· Bloom Color: Yellow
· Environment: Full sun to partial shade
· Foliage Color: Dark green
· Soil Type: Sandy to rocky, must be well-drained, pH 6.5 – 7.5

Sedum, Emperor’s Wave Plug Flat
Vigorous 16 inch tall plants with attractive blue-green succulent foliage. Showy red-purple flowers held on strong burgundy stems in August and September. Attracts butterflies and are excellent for cutting.